That was amusing. See that? Three words ending with three syllables. This might have ruined my day with comparisons.

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1) My wife and I married on our third date.

2) There are three-3s on record players spinning at 33-1/3 RPM

3) My daughter's age is divisible by three, the sum of the digits of her age is divisible by three, and her age is the product of the same three numbers. [Tip of the hat to Deb for the math puzzle :-) ]

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Nicely done!

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And my first book contract was for 3 books...I've always paid attention to 3s.

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I really enjoyed this post, and have to smile at the fact that I stuck to the "rule of three" in that I have 3 children! Thanks so much for sharing your wisdom and humor---we sure need more humor these days (and of course we can use more wisdom, too!).

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My pleasure!

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You left out the "Historians Rule of 3". Get three separate sources that all agree on a historical fact before using it in your work! Love your thoughts, Jim.

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I wish more of our current historians and news folks would follow that rule, too!

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I just have three words for this: I LOVE IT! Especially the joke about the vampires. In these crazy times, you had me laughing out loud. Always a good sign.

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Glad to help!

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. . . and I have 3 children whose ages add up to 142. 142 divided by 3 = 47.33333333333. I have no idea where I was going with that, but I think it's significant in the 3 world. Carry on, James! :)

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3 is going to show up everywhere you look now, Deb. Heh heh heh...(3 "hehs"!)

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I just noticed when Hoka barks, it’s usually in 3s. 🤡

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