When I was just a little kid, the Yankees came to Savannah for some kind of exhibition game. We didn't go to the game, but some friends and I were outside the stadium when the team came out and got on their bus. I handed a piece of paper up to a guy sitting next to one of the open windows, and he signed it and handed it back to me. It was Whitey Ford. I didn't know much about baseball players other than Mickey Mantle, so I gave it to my brother.

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Whitey was awesome. Hall of Famer.

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I once had a pristine Mickey Mantle baseball card, but alas, my mother didn't understand the value and tossed it and a box of other baseball cards that included an early Willie Mays...

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Ouch. And RIP the great Willie Mays.

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>> Barbara Button, of the Gloucester Buttons, who fastened themselves to high society (see what I did there? This is why you read Whimsical Wanderings).

Yes. Yes, it is. *grin*

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