Owens Valley plays host to a complex of radio astronomy telescopes, courtesy of our friends at CalTech. To be effective the surrounding area is best vacant and barren to keep the airwaves quiet. Had Mulholland not created the diversion and subsequent dearth of water and arable land, we might not have the Owens Valley radio telescopes. So science has Mr. Mulholland to thank. :-)

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Ah, very interesting, Doug. Thanks for the info. But isn't there a vast Mojave desert, too?

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Good point. I hadn’t realized the enormity of the Mojave desert. But did learn Owens Valley straddles two deserts, one of which is the ginormous Mojave.

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22

"The poem celebrates values such as chivalry, courage, honor, and sacrifice. For that reason it is no longer taught in our schools." Love your subtlety, Jim!

And I might've gone to school with one of those Manfred-types. Not sure if he's experienced the applied "current" event, though. Have a good one!

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I have a "black sheep" great uncle in my family tree, a real mystery as to what became of him. He left home, showed up years later at the family home, with only one arm, and his mean older sister sent him away. Never heard from him again.

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I think we've all got one . . .

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